Supplier code of conduct

Clear Expectations

At Lactalis, we engage with suppliers from diverse corners of the world.

Our expectations are clear: we seek suppliers who actively acknowledge and uphold their social and environmental responsibilities, aligning with our overarching goal of procuring goods and services sustainably.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct aims to share our vision and aspirations with all our valued partners. 

Built upon principles of integrity, transparency, respect for human rights, and a profound responsibility towards the communities and environment in which our partnering suppliers operate, this Code sets the framework for ethical, fair, and sustainable business relations.

Our dedicated teams actively promote and integrate this Code into their daily interactions with our partners. 

We place immense value on the commitment of each supplier, emphasising that, beyond the acquisition of goods and services, their engagement in this sustainability journey is paramount.


Compliance with Laws

As a leading force in the dairy industry, we pledge to operate globally in strict adherence to applicable laws and regulations. Our extensive global presence emphasises the paramount role of compliance in our expansion. We expect unwavering commitment from our suppliers to comply with laws at all levels in their partnerships with us.

Business Conduct and Good Practices

We prioritise ethical conduct in our supplier relationships. We strongly discourage anti-competitive behaviours, urging suppliers to implement preventive measures and promptly disclose any such incidents. Emphasising compliance with anti-corruption laws, we expect suppliers to maintain transparency and avoid conflicts of interest. Our stance on responsible gifting, limited to promotional items with prior approval, reflects our dedication to fair business practices. In cases of potential conflicts or ethical concerns, we encourage immediate reporting of conflicts or ethical concerns, fostering trust and integrity.

Labour Practices and Human Rights

We champion human rights and condemn child labour and forced labour within our supply chain. We align with international conventions, prohibiting child labour and enforcing minimum age standards. Upholding freedom of association and collective bargaining, we advocate for fair working conditions, wages, and workplace environments. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are integral to our values, ensuring equal opportunities for all employees. Prioritising occupational health and safety, we foster a work environment that prevents physical and mental harm, complies with regulations, and actively engages employees in safety initiatives.

Quality and Food Safety

We acknowledge the importance of quality and food Safety, emphasising full traceability through dedicated policies and charters. Suppliers are required to adhere to applicable laws and regulations, ensuring the quality and safety of delivered products or services.  Our suppliers must develop and maintain food quality and safety management systems, contributing to a stringent evaluation process.


Suppliers commit to complying with applicable environmental laws, securing necessary permits and registrations, both directly and through their agents and subcontractors. They aim to foster sustainability and drive continuous improvement across the entire life cycle of delivered goods or services. Suppliers identify, assess, and mitigate environmental impacts, implementing policies and management systems with regular evaluations. Encouraging good practices and recognise certifications, they address concerns like GHG emissions, pollution prevention, biodiversity protection, water management, eco-design, circularity, waste, and stewardship of natural resources, considering impacts on local communities and supporting sustainable agricultures.

Animal Welfare

Suppliers of animal-based products must commit to operating in accordance with local and international laws, ensuring no involvement in acts of animal cruelty, directly or indirectly through agents and subcontractors. They endorse the Five Freedoms, recognizing animals’ expectations under human control, such as freedom from hunger, fear, and pain. Special attention is given to farming practices, avoiding close confinement, genetic engineering, growth-promoting substances, routine mutilations, and long-distance live transportation. Suppliers prioritize species-specific environmental enrichment and refrain from using antibiotics for prophylactic purposes, fostering humane treatment throughout their value chains.

Information Protection

Our suppliers commit to preserving the confidentiality, integrity, and intellectual property of Lactalis Group information. They pledge not to use or disclose confidential data without written consent. Information shared by suppliers must be accurate and complete, respecting confidentiality requests. Partners accessing Lactalis IT Systems adhere to international IT security standards, ensuring compliance with data protection laws. Partners refrain from using Lactalis Group’s corporate image without prior written approval. They guarantee compliance with privacy and data protection laws, promptly addressing any breaches and informing Lactalis Group’s DPO. Operations align with information protection laws and regulations.

Monitoring, Alerts and Breaches

Suppliers commit to maintaining internal processes and documentation showcasing alignment with the Lactalis Supplier Code of Conduct. They consent to audits and pledge to construct effective action plans if any gaps are identified. Suppliers promptly report violations to the Lactalis Group, covering employees, agents, or subcontractors. Reporting legal violations is encouraged through the Lactalis Whistleblowing Platform. While the Lactalis Group promotes best practices, occasional breaches may occur. In such instances, if remediation measures are inadequate, the Lactalis Group retains the right to disengage suppliers.


Download our Supplier Code of Conduct – A positive chain of responsibility